AltLayer Altitude Phase II



AltLayer is a Rollup-as-a-Service (RaaS) platform for decentralized application developers to launch highly scalable application-tailored execution layers (aka Layer 2s).

AltLayer Altitude is a four phase Testnet of AltLayer and there are expectations that the testnet users will be duly awarded.

Steps to Join Airdrop

  1. If you haven't joined Phase 1 till now, join AltLayer Phase I here.
  2. Claim ALT Test Tokens using ALT Faucet.
  3. Wrap Sepolia Test ETH into WETH from this page.
  4. Stake and delegate ALT tokens to Beacon validator on Beacon Testnet network (Guide here).
  5. Note : You don't have to do Revoke delegation part from Guide.
  6. Stake and delegate WETH tokens to node operator on Rollup staking portal (Guide here).
  7. Note : You don't have to do Unstaking part from Guide.
  8. Finally, visit the AltLayer Altitude Phase II Campaign.
  9. Connect your Wallet, complete the tasks and claim your points.
  10. Note: On-chain credential (staking transactions) may take up to a week to be populated; therefore, users are advised to maintain some staked balance (Last updated: Jun-16-2023 06:17:00 AM +UTC)
  11. By doing so, there are expectations (No Guarantee) that you might get eligible for AltLayer Airdrop in future.
  12. 👋 Got Stuck Somewhere? You can ask for help in our Telegram Group.

  13. Don't forget to join our Telegram Channel for latest Airdrops and Updates.
