Gods Unchained Airdrop


Gods Unchained

Gods Unchained is a Trading Card Game by Immutable on Ethereum.

Gods Unchained is airdropping a total of 1 Million GODS among community members for invitng friends to play the game.

Note: Only users with PC can join this Airdrop.

Steps to Join Airdrop

  1. Register on Gods Unchained here.
  2. Click "Next and Download" for downloading the game (Desktop Required).
  3. Also connect your ETH Wallet.
  4. Open the Game and login with your account.
  5. Play the Game and reach Rank 6 - "Astral Meteorite".
  6. Invite friends using your referral link to play the game.
  7. You will receive 10 GODS when you and your friend when you both reach rank 6.
  8. Referral rewards will be paid monthly on the first Wednesday of each month.
  9. 👋 Got Stuck Somewhere? You can ask for help in our Telegram Group.

  10. Don't forget to join our Telegram Channel for latest Airdrops and Updates.
