REVOX x Binance Web3 Wallet Airdrop


REVOX x Binance Web3 Wallet

REVOX is a modular onchain AI network.

REVOX is airdropping a total of 100 Million REVOX Airdrop Points (convertible into RGT tokens) among memebrs for easy tasks and inviting friends.

Note : You will need a small amount of BNB (<$1) to join this Airdrop.

Steps to Join Airdrop

  1. Register on Binance.
  2. Create your Binance Web3 Wallet.
  3. Open the Web3 Wallet and click "REVOX Points Airdrop" banner.
  4. Enter the Invite Code : “ZD9M4R
  5. Complete the Twitter task and claim 100 AI passes.
  6. Earn more REVOX AI Passes by doing dalily check-in task.
  7. Also get 5 exclusive Alliance Pass for each successful invitation.
  8. The conversion ratio between REVOX points and RGT will be announced later, closer to the TGE date (Q3 2024).
  9. Get more details from this Official Post.
  10. 👋 Got Stuck Somewhere? You can ask for help in our Telegram Group.

  11. Don't forget to join our Telegram Channel for latest Airdrops and Updates.
